Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 1 [IMDB]
- Begins with a panning long shot of a mansion with and it is dark to signify horror
- The high pitch piano notes are also a signifier of the genre
- The colouring looks slightly black and white to signify the authentic Dracula films and a flashback
- The camera tracks roun a classroom the baroness signfifies fearfullness the desks signify a classroom and the biological mise en scene forboades the narratives of blood thirst.
- The slow violins relax the audience
- The smaishing sound is unpredictable therefore frightens the audience
- The man comes through first which is a stereotypical representation of gender as men are powerfull and brash and signifies he is the protaganist
- The woman is blonde and has a low cut top to appeal to the male gaze
- The 2 are young which is countertypical of the genre and apeals to a younger audience
- They use the false scare of the trap door opening to mislead the audience into the preffered that the girl is a victim
- The girl is counterypically a powerfull vampire
- The red sans serif gothic title signify the genre and the rock music appeals to a teenage audience.
- The first shot pan's from the unconventional daylight sky to an english village which is countertypical of the genre and an american audience would not understand the preffered reading of it as it is not stereotypical britain and famous landmarks
- The use of a child's voice signifes it is made for children and the harp signifes a peacfull atmosphere
- The takes are polysemic shots of a village to create narrative enigma that become closer to the setting of the characters
- The binary oposites of Dracula's gothic horror car, the rural village, the harp music and the lightening sound create humour
- From the lightening sound there is a shot of the protaganists face saying "I'm a vampire" which is counterypical because it is a normal looking child
- The sound of a choir and low piano notes begins and wee see the special effekt of a castle with a storm above it.
- Begins with counterypical upbeat music and the shot of traveling up road at night
- Then a counterypical shot of a woman driving with a man sleeping the shot is a two shot signifying they are in a relationship
- The female is dressed in a low cut top, flirtatios and blonde to appeal to the male gaze she expresses her teeth a lot which signifies she could be a vampire
- A sexual activity is signified by a cut away shot of the bans face and woman smiling at him
- The use of a sexual actitvity and 20-30 year old actors signifies the inteded audience is 16-40
- The signify that the universe within the camera is fantasy by the use of a sign wich says "We have tru blood" and a news inteview with a vampire.
- The man is stereotypically driving
- Conventionall it is dark and a mysterios object is stood in the road
- The use of the windscreen crach signifes it's high budget
- The use of 20-30 year old actors and violence signifies its for a 16-40 year old audeice mal and low class
- The music is rock music to apeal to a younger audience
- The use of a smashed windscreen signifies the production is high budget
- The music pitch lowers and slows as the realisation intenisifies
- The blolnde female stereotpycally cries and is a victim who stays in the car and calls for help while the male goes out to have a look
- The slow music settles the audience and get's them unready for the realisation the body is a vampire and is about to jump up and bite the male
- The vampireness is signified by a close up on the biting
- The titles are red and sans serif to signify the genre
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