We first screened Biteing by me the audience understood the preffered reading of the narrative once I explained it. Vampire Horror has a large market recently with films like "Twilight" hence is appealed to our audience. However the narrative was not very subtle and could have been less cliched I thought about adding a modern twist such as the vampire has a virus that controlls his mind. I also thought about using a teenage vampire to apeal to my teenage audience as they responded well to this in the animatic. They found some eliments humorous hence I may make the narrative less dark and more beleivable. Another issue is that my origninal narrative is set at night, in a graveyard, in the dark and with a vampire which is both a makeup, setting and lighting challenge that may be hard to achieve.
The Vision by Jonathon Bailey was screened next the audience struggled to denote the preffered reading even once it was explained. They couldn't understand what the vision was of and how they came to meet the vision.
We thought about combining our ideas so that the Vision had a clearer narrative and Biteing had a more subtle narrative. We thought that we could include a teenage girl to appeal to our teenage audience and have her haviong dreams that she is being chased by a vampire. When she wakes she realises has been bitten because she looks in the mirror.
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