To start off experimenting with a vampire image I put just the fangs on. I found that the best facial expression was with the mouth just slightly open the more open m mouth was the more the falsness of the teeth was revealed. Also a low angle shows off more of the fangs. This image is too natural and not frightening or believable.

For the next image I I added grey, white and black makeup this made me look more undead and was scarier.
For the next image I added blood this is good because it focuses the audiences attention on the fangs and appeals to a male audience because it signifies violence.

For this next image to the right I wet my hair and spiked it up this signifies teenage well.

Slicking back my hair was like the vampires such as on Dracula but was not realistic or modern in appearance therefore not as believable I will probably use a vampire with dry hair, blood round their mouth, pale make up and red contact lenses.
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