We have a female villain which is countertypical she is blonde to challenge the conventions and suprise the audience.

The story is based on vampires therefore the use of a coffin, forrest, blood and romance is stereptypical of the gothic horror genre genre.
However more countertypically it is centred around teenage romance which is more in lign with modern movies such as Twilight and True Blood.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
We countertypically have a female protaganist and villain who is violent yet stereotypically romantic. All the actors are young which is stereotypical as a lot of mischief occurs. The actors are all able and white which is stereotypical due to avaialability of disabled or black actors we also fail to represent homosexuals. Countertypically although this is a british film it doesn't show the idillic middle class view of british people.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Hammer Horror used Universal but in moder times they would be too expensive so I would use a cheap distributer such as the one Warp X use optimum releasing as the audience will be uk based.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
13-25 UK based both male and female and working class.
How did you attract/address your audience?
Using a young cast to attract a young audience. Adding romance to gain female interest with horror aand fantasy apealing the male audience. The use of Britain not in the idilistic view that films suchas Bridget Jones diary are in signifies the film is intended for a smal local UK based audience. We signified the prefered reading by putting the clips in order.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
The sound needs inproving perhas re- recording to get it all the same level. Camera's look best on a fixed tripod rather than moving them or trying to track them. We don't have enough coffin clips this scene may need re-shooting.
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